About SNIC

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
The Rwandan Union of Professionals and Managerial Staff (SNIC) was born during his Constituent Assembly which was held in Kigali, on the 17th of February 2007. It is an independent and democratic professional organization composed of professional workers from private and public sector: university lecturers, company managers and project managers, engineers, lawyers, doctors, consultants, etc.

The idea of founding SNIC dates back from 2004, when young students sensitized on trade unions principles and ideals had formed a group of young student trade unionists. They studied in various faculties at the National
University of Rwanda: Engineering, Law, Management, Economics, Medicine, Social Sciences, etc. Once integrated into the job market, they resolved to form a union that would meet their aspirations, a union that would reinforce their commitment to DECENT WORK and their solidarity taking into account the diversity of their trades and professions.

SNIC is currently composed around 150 Professionals and managerial staff from various professional sectors and it is a member of COTRAF RWANDA and has been affiliated to UNI GLOBAL UNION since January 2012. It is
endowed with legal personality following official publication of its statutes in the Official Gazette N° 16 22/April 2013. SNIC is also a founding member of the Rwanda Education for all Coalition (REFAC). SNIC intends to join regional and international organizations directly or indirectly involved in the defence and promotion of interests and socio-economic rights of workers.

“Professionals and Managerial staff enjoying their labor fundamental rights, with a decent salary for decent work and promoters of social justice in the society”

To defend and promote human rights and socio-economic interests of Professionals and managerial staff and to contribute to the establishment and improvement of economic and social systems that ensures social justice and decent work for all.

The objectives of SNIC as enshrined in its statutes are the following:

  • To bring together professionals and managerial staff to defend their rights and socio professional interests;
  • To maintain and develop unity, solidarity and fraternity among its members;
  • To represent its members and defend their interests before their employers and the associations of the latter, public institutions and before the judiciary;
  • To contribute to any decisions regarding professionals and managerial staff;
  • To contribute to the implementation of social legislation and enforcement of collective bargaining Conventions;
  • To ensure the promotion of democracy and social justice in companies and enterprises;
  • To promote and develop actions aimed at improving socio economic welfare of the senior executives and other workers in general;
  • To ensure the participation of all senior executives in the management and planning of enterprises and companies in order to galvanize their professional awareness and encourage better performance for
    increased productivity;
  • To contribute to the development and improvement of social and economic systems so as to ensure social justice and decent work;
  • To ensure environmental protection and conservation;
  • To ensure the promotion of gender equality at workplace

SNIC is a union of alternatives and social dialogue aiming at the promotion of sustainable socioeconomic development. Its action hinges on the following noble values: Professionalism, Solidarity, Social Dialogue, and Social
